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Specialist Diploma Programmes

Nanyang Psychology Academy (NPA) offers affordable Specialist Diploma programmes that takes into consideration the financial cost, time cost, and opportunity cost of taking up an education.  NPA's Specialist Diploma programme unique proposition are the following:

  1. Affordably priced, and installment payments available.

  2. Efficient with fast completion.

  3. Applied and practical focused curriculum which focuses on applicability and skills.

  4. Taught by experienced practitioners who are still applying their craft.

Specialist Diploma Programmes at Nanyang Psychology Academy


The Specialist Diploma in Applied Sports Psychology provides learners with the basis in behavioral psychology with roots in sports science, motivation, psychology, mental toughness, as well as health and fitness. This course is a scientific study of the psychological factors associated with participation and performance in sport activities.


The Specialist Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching is a comprehensive program that combines the principles of positive psychology and coaching techniques to help individuals lead more fulfilling and purposeful lives while assisting others in achieving their personal and professional goals. This course is suitable for career changers or any individuals who are looking to gain the necessary skills for a main career or part time freelance profession for the gig economy or anyone who wants to know more out of interest.

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