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Diploma in Applied Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy

Rolling intake! Intake months: January, March, May, July, September, November.

This programme is accredited by International Association of Counselling (Europe)

About the course
  • The Diploma in Applied Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy is an introductory level training for the skills required to practice counselling psychology and psychotherapy.

  • Diploma in Applied Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy is a programme that is specially designed to fulfil the demand for knowledge and skills in counselling psychology for learners with an interest in counselling.

  • The programme provides skills training for people intending to practice counselling psychology including in organisations, health including hospitals and hospices, social welfare, social workers and in education, community and rehabilitation, and human resource management.

  • Counselling psychology seeks to alleviate and resolve human issues as well as improve psychological, social, mental and general life.

  • These include: at the workplace, industries to assist people handle various situations such as addiction, stress, marriage and family issues, youth and work-related issues.

  • The objectives of the programme are to ensure a level of knowledge about major approaches to counselling psychology; to provide training in counselling practice and develop skills for application in workplace, health, education; and to advance research, ethical and professional issues in counselling as a profession.

Asian woman wearing earphones while working at home
Learning Outcomes
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the major theories of counseling and psychotherapy as they relate to treatment and prevention modalities.

  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the field of psychology as it relates to helping clients improve their mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Demonstrate competencies in applying core counselling skills and counselling methodologies.

  • Synthesize an understanding of group interactive processes and dynamics that will enhance good behavioral health and wellbeing for the group participants.

  • Analyze the challenges and stressors many people experience in balancing the demands of work and family life and mental illness.

  • Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of ethical and professional behavior within the psychology profession.

  • Earn a Diploma in Applied Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy.


All the modules here can be taken as individual stackable units and it stacks to form a complete qualification. Each module completion will be awarded a "certificate". Each modules taken separately is priced at $1400. Please email us if you wish to take the modules as stackable qualifications.

Child Therapy
Admissions Requirements

Academic Requirements

  1. Above the age of 16 years of age, and

  2. Obtained at least a pass (minimum of C6) at GCE O-Levels in any 2 subjects, or

  3. Nitec, Higher Nitec or other qualifications of equivalent level, or

  4. Mature candidates who are at least 30 years old with at least 8 years of working experience.


Language Requirements:

  1. At least a pass (minimum C6) at GCE O-Level English or IELTS 5.5.

Sample Certificate

Post graduate Diploma Sample


Completion of this diploma programme allows progression to our advanced diploma programme in applied counselling psychology and psychotherapy or an advanced diploma* or degree* programme in other schools should you meet their admission requirements*.

What can you do with this diploma?

A diploma in applied counseling psychology and psychotherapy in Singapore provides you with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to work in various counseling and mental health support roles. While it may not qualify you for certain advanced positions that require higher degrees and professional licensure, it can serve as a valuable starting point for a career in the field of counseling and psychology.

The million dollar question: What can you do with this diploma?

  1. Counseling Assistant

  2. Youth Counselor

  3. Career Counselor

  4. Mental Health Support Worker

  5. Family Support Worker

  6. Addiction Counselor

  7. School Counselor's Assistant

  8. Community Outreach Worker

  9. EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Coordinator

  10. Crisis Hotline Operator

How much can you make?

We're not going to make any data up. You can visit this link for a more specific salary breakdown for the above professions according to NCSS (Singapore). If you are private practicing, you name your own price but as a mental health worker, if you are good in what you do, payment is typical $50/hr and up.

Image by Mimi Thian

Optional Practicum

All counselling psychology, psychotherapy or applied psychology coaching course comes with an optional practicum component.

The intention is to enhance the learning of the learners by  encouraging the application of actual practice under guidance by experienced mentor to enhance application and competency component.

Upon completing the 'optional practicum' component, learners will be awarded with the following certificate and their contact hours be officially logged.

Requirements for contact hours for practicum:

1.  Diploma level - 10 contact hours

2.  Advanced diploma level - 20 contact hours

3.  Specialist diploma level - 20 contact hours

Additional cost for the optional practicum component:

1.  Diploma level - $1000

2.  Advanced diploma level - $2000

3.  Specialist diploma level - $2000

Nanyang Psychology Academy Counselling Course


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