About the course
3.1 The Advanced Diploma in Applied Sports Psychology provides learners with the advance and practical basis in behavioral psychology with roots in sports science, motivation, psychology, mental toughness, as well as health and fitness.
3.2 This course is a scientific study of the psychological factors associated with participation and performance in sport activities.
3.3 Emphasis will be placed on how psychological principles, theories, and research can be used to understand and enhance sport performance from a practical view point.
3.4 To graduate, student must successfully complete and demonstrate competency in all of 10 required modules.

Learning Outcomes
4.1 Origins of Sport Psychology, its development overtime along with various theories. This will enhance your understanding and lay a solid foundation.
4.2 You will have an increased understanding of what motivates athletes, with relevant practical know-how about various techniques as well as theories.
4.3 How to effectively deal with Stressful situations that athletes encounter during the course of their career.
4.4 Be able to know various research methods and various leadership roles in sport psychology, and how to effectively deal with athletes who face burnout situation or face injuries.
4.5 Help build a career in Sport Psychology and how to conduct assessment of athletes.
4.6 Understand how to motivate athletes by effectively applying various theories of motivation.
4.7 Understand and apply various techniques in dealing with stressful situations and how to cope with anxiety related matters.
4.8 Understand effective ways to exercise and apply visualization related techniques and how athletes can benefit from them.
4.9 You will have developed the skills to perform counseling among athletes and provide recommendations regarding dangers of drug and steroid use.
4.10 Understand various relaxation and hypnosis concepts and successfully apply in various situations.
4.11 Earn an Advanced Diploma in Applied Sports Psychology.
All the modules here can be taken as individual stackable units and it stacks to form a complete qualification. Each module completion will be awarded a "certificate". Each modules taken separately is priced at $1400. Please email us if you wish to take the modules as stackable qualifications.
Motivation and Sports Performance
Motivation is the largest single topic in psychology, with at least 32 theories that attempt to explain why people are or are not motivated to achieve. Within sport psychology research, there are a plethora of techniques of how to increase and sustain motivation (strategies to enhance agency beliefs, self-regulation, goal setting, and others). However, when explaining the conceptual undergirding of motivation in sport, the why of motivation, two theories predominate: Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Both theories predict the same outcomes, such as increased achievement striving, sustained behavior change, and perceptions of well-being, but they differ in why those outcomes occur. AGT assumes that individuals cognitively evaluate the competence demands and meaningfulness of the activity, and that those perceptions govern behavior. SDT assumes that individuals are driven by three basic needs, competence, autonomy, and relatedness, and the satisfaction of those needs govern behavior. The module discusses both theories and concludes that each has their strengths and weaknesses.
Sports Psychology Skills: Managing Anxiety and Stress Relationships
This course covers stress management for athletes beginning with a brief behavioral conceptualization of athletic performance and analysis of stress. Examples of external and internal stressors are offered, as well as of stress responses from autonomic, somatic, and cognitive domains. Further discussed are specific types of stress management approaches used with athletes, and associated with external vs. internal sources of stress, and with the 3 stress response domains.
Sports Psychology Intervention: Sports Injuries and Illness
Sport injury and illness is relatively common among sport and exercise participants, and while the physical impact of injury is often easy to recognise, the psychological impact is not understood. In this course, you will examine the relationship between injury and psychological factors. You will look at the link between injury and psychology at two distinct points – before an injury has occurred and then following an injury. First, you will consider the psychological factors that may increase the likelihood of sustaining a sport injury (pre-injury), and then you will consider psychological reactions to the incidence of a sport injury (post-injury). The course will also allow you to examine how sport and exercise psychology can be used both to help minimise the risk of injury and to help people cope better with sport injury rehabilitation.
Fundamentals of Sports and Exercise Science
This course will expose students to the broad nature of the exercise and sport science discipline and its career pathways and opportunities. Students will learn about the pre-exercise screening assessments and professional behaviours that are expected in professional practice. Students will learn about the theory and application of health-related assessments and how to interpret the results.
Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism
This course aims to explore fundamentals in nutritional science to develop an understanding of the core concepts in human nutrition through exploring the role of macro- and micro-nutrients and their interaction across the lifespan, mostly in the healthy individual. The focus will be the biochemical reactions that take place, how these are influenced by different nutrients and what are the implications for the whole body.
Course Delivery Method
Student to Lecturer Ratio
Cost and Installment Plan
Course Mode and Duration
Assessment Methods and Graduation
NPA Relevant Diplomas
Delivered via face-to-face lecture in classroom
25 : 1
$4,500 (course fee) + $150 (non-refundable registration fee) + $200 (material fee per module) - Payable over 6 installments over 6 months
Full-Time (6 months), 5 days per week @ 3 hours each
Part-Time (7 months), 2 evenings per week @ 4 hours each
Total of 210 in-class contact hours
Class assignment, and class quiz
To graduate, learners must pass all modules
Learners who completed NPA's relevant diploma modules are not required to take repeat modules and can proceed direct to unique advanced diploma modules

Admissions Requirements
Academic Requirements
1. Above the age of 17 years of age, and
2. Obtained at least a pass (minimum of ‘E’) at GCE A-Levels in any
2 subjects, or
3. Diploma or other qualifications of equivalent level, or
4. Mature candidates who are at least 30 years old with at least 8
years of working experience.
Language Requirements:
1. At least a pass (minimum ‘E’) at GCE A-Level English or IELTS
Sample Certificate

What can you do with this advanced diploma?
An advanced diploma in applied sports psychology in Singapore can open up various career opportunities in the field of sports and performance psychology. While it may not qualify you for certain advanced roles that require higher degrees and professional licensure, it can serve as a valuable qualification for many positions.
The million dollar question: What can you do with this diploma?
Sports Coach or Trainer
Athletic Advisor
Performance Enhancement Specialist
Sports Program Coordinator
Fitness Center Manager
Sports Event Organizer
Recreation Program Coordinator
Health and Wellness Coach
Consultant for Sports Teams
Fitness Blogger or Content Creator
Sports Consultant
Business Owner / Enterpreneur
IPHM UK Accreditation
Nanyang Psychology Academy is accredited by International Practitioner of Holistic Medicine in UK.
IPHM UK Membership Number: IPHMNC13663 | Validity: September 2024.